Saturday, January 18, 2020

What Comes After The Transition Swaddle? Next Steps For Baby Sleep

You'll also want feeding essentials such as bottles, a breast pump, and/or formula. And of course, don't forget clothing, pacifiers, burp cloths, and gentle baby lotion. Be prepared for on-the-go changes and feedings with a fully stocked baby bag. Between prenatal appointments, paperwork and everything in between, there are plenty of things to do before your baby arrives.

what do you need when baby comes home

Invest in nursing bras and have them properly adjusted. Have books/laptop/Ipad at your bedside or nursing station for your entertainment when baby is up or nursing. Place a fan in the room where baby is sleeping; it reduces the risk of SIDS when there is airflow. Check out some nursery themes and, after settling on something you like, start decorating! Preparing the nursery might satisfy the urge to nest during pregnancy. Nesting is a fairly common phenomenon that can keep you occupied and distracted if you feel nervous.

Stock up on grown-up supplies, too

The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Katie has used this Boppy newborn lounger since she brought Killian home from the hospital three months ago. The contents of You Are Mom is for educational and informational purposes only. At no time do they replace the diagnosis, advice, or treatment from a professional. If in doubt, it's best to consult a trusted specialist.

what do you need when baby comes home

Even if you help with the guest list or choose the venue, a close friend, family member, or loved one will do the bulk of the planning. Bringing a tiny newborn home from the hospital means a big change for everyone in the family. If you have other children, they might also need a little preparation.

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Getting ready for a baby can include preparing for those first few weeks as new parents when you’d rather not worry about shopping and cooking. One helpful strategy is making and freezing some meals for you and your family. Having a few options that you can simply stick in the oven or microwave can make a world of difference. The next step in the process is preparing your home.

Others may fuss because they are not used to having their hands free. If this is the case, there are methods you can use to gradually get them comfortable in their sleep sack. Sleep sacks are similar to transition swaddles in that they wrap around the baby’s legs to provide them with womblike comfort while giving them room to move. However, unlike the transitional swaddles, the baby’s arms are totally free.

10 Make Sure To “Baby Proof” The House & Have A Baby Monitor Ready

Beyond that, a stroller or a baby carrier are awesome and necessary for many of us, but you can also wait on those if you choose. If you plan on bottle-feeding, make sure you have a handful of bottles available to avoid middle-of-the-night washing. A bottle brush is essential, but you can wait to see if you’ll need a bottle drying rack or bottle washing dishwasher basket. That said, you want to have newborn-friendly soap and lotion, as baby skin can be very sensitive. Many of us bathe our babies in baby bathtubs, but using the kitchen sink is just fine, provided it’s been recently cleaned.

Of course, consult your healthcare provider about when it’s OK to travel and whether traveling while pregnant is right for you. Once your new addition arrives, you may want to send out birth announcements. It's likely that you’ve been paying attention to what you eat and following a healthy pregnancy diet.

Newborn Car Seat

Your newborn will eat every two to three hours or more, and will probably sleep 16 to 18 hours a day. Caring for a newborn is intense, and often means there's little time or energy for your own needs. If you can, get support from your friends and family or hire help. Not only do you want to have plenty of diapers, wipes, formula, etc. on hand, but you will want to know where things are and have them organized. I washed and folded baby’s clothes and organized the first few months worth in his drawers.

You can also click the image of the checklist and you’ll still get the popup form for it. Have baby’s bottles in a location that daddy can find and use easily if he needs to prepare a bottle. Keep a blanket and carseat canopy with the car seat all the time. Keep a change of bed sheets ready for those night time leaks or accidents.

While it's important to prep baby's nursery, you'll want to do a few other things before baby comes home. Here are nine tips and tricks to prepare for your little ones arrival. If you're planning to have a maternity photo shoot, the second or third trimester is a great time. While you're at it, think about whether you'll have a photographer do a newborn session; if so, book ahead of time. Helpful advice and answers to parents' most common questions.

what do you need when baby comes home

(For instance, who will feed your fur-baby while you're away?) Having a plan means less last-minute rushing—and more sanity. When parents bring their newborn home, they should have a safe sleeping area planned out and set up for their little one’s first night home. According to, it's recommended that babies sleep in a crib, cradle, or bassinet that is near their parents' bed.

At times, it may seem like your to-do list just keeps growing along with the size of your belly! But getting ready for baby doesn't have to be a stressful thing. With a little organization and planning, you'll be well-prepared for your little one. Let this baby nesting checklist be your guide to feeling ready, willing, and able to welcome your newborn. In the first week, you and your newborn are getting used to your life together. You'll be feeding your newborn around the clock, dealing with sleep deprivation, changing diapers, and learning how to soothe your crying baby.

what do you need when baby comes home

I had two babies in two years and your list is definitely on point. But, you know in the end, you just need some diapers. I guess what I’m saying is that I was in a mad rush to prepare everything before each one arrived and really you’re never truly prepared. I wish I could go back an convince my pregnant self of that fact.

Use of this site is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Use your common sense as well as your own internal thermostat to gauge how many layers to put on your baby. Many people adhere to the age-old "what you're wearing plus one layer" rule. When in doubt, add a light blanket or hat – you can always remove it if your baby feels warm.

So, needless to say, an infant car seat is very important to have before bringing the baby home. Get references and decide on a pediatrician or healthcare provider before your baby is born. Once your baby arrives, you can schedule your visits.

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