Saturday, January 18, 2020

Preparing for Baby: 21 Things to Do Before Birth

A home birth is not for everyone, so it's important that you know all the facts before making a decision. All should be freshly washed and dried in a hot dryer 10 extra minutes. Bag items in brown paper bags , tape shut, and label clearly in large letters. This helps to ensure that they are clean and as close to germ-free as possible. Remember, the more you accomplish before bringing your baby home from the hospital, the easier the change will be.

what do you need when baby comes home

So, needless to say, an infant car seat is very important to have before bringing the baby home. Get references and decide on a pediatrician or healthcare provider before your baby is born. Once your baby arrives, you can schedule your visits.

Diapering Essentials

Swaddling blankets are a must even above clothing, and help keep baby calm for sleeping well. Even if you opt for cloth, disposable diapers and wipes are still an excellent idea. All those pregnancy aches and pains can take a toll on your body, and it’s important to care for yourself. A pregnancy massage, pedicure, relaxing bath, or even a nap are great ways to pamper yourself. Consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.

At the same time, you will be going through lots of outfit changes, as newborn clothing can get messy, quickly. Wendy Wisner is a lactation consultant and writer covering maternal/child health, parenting, general health and wellness, and mental health. She has worked with breastfeeding parents for over a decade, and is a mom to two boys. For instance, some parents may feel that the nurses are better at caregiving and don't get involved as much as they would like.

Sterilize Bottles and Breast Pump Parts

But if you need time to bond and don't want visitors for a month, that's perfectly fine. Once you are ready for visitors, they will need your guidance on how to be great supporters. For starters, you certainly can't have any visitors who are sick. Verywell Family articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and family healthcare professionals.

what do you need when baby comes home

Polyester blends can be easier on the pocketbook (and even better-fitting), but they can also irritate baby’s skin in some cases. Generally speaking, it’ll be a good idea to shop for articles of clothing that are deemed ‘0-1 years’ or ‘infant’ in size. About 70 to 80 percent of new mothers experience the "baby blues" during the hormonal roller coaster that is the first few weeks after delivery.

What Are The Differences Between Transition Swaddles & Regular Swaddles?

Figuring out which car seat is right for your child could be a week-long project! Source recommendations from anyone you know who has children to assist in this process. During your pregnancy, you may have amassed a small mountain of baby gear. You need a safe place for your baby to sleep, a properly installed car seat, and perhaps a baby carrier, baby sling, or baby wrap.

what do you need when baby comes home

Preparing for your preemie to come home is very much like getting ready for any baby to come home, although there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. These items will help keep your preemie safe and you comfortable. Verywell Family's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While there are recommended ages for transitions, it’s best to observe your little one's behavior to determine when to transition to a sleep sack. It will mostly depend on their progress rolling over.

Use a warm, damp washcloth or unscented wipes to gently wipe around neck folds and other areas where breast milk, formula, or moisture might accumulate, finishing with the genitals. If you notice any redness or irritation in the diaper area , a swipe of diaper cream or petroleum jelly after every diaper change should squelch it. There may be times when you can't figure out why your baby's upset, and they're inconsolable no matter what you do. It's normal to feel helpless, frustrated, or angry in this situation.

what do you need when baby comes home

Just as it’s important to be aware of what your baby is going to need in the hospital, you also need to know what they’re going to need at home. To create a comfortable, warm, and snuggly place for baby to snooze, you’ll want to include plenty of padding, soft cloth, and at least one waterproof liner. Blankets should range in weight and thickness to suit the indoor temperature, and there should never be so much bedding that it could disrupt baby’s regular breathing. One of the most important decisions you’ll need to make centers around using formula vs breastfeeding. If you do choose formula, you’ll want to be 100% comfortable with the ingredients that are included in most pre-packaged brands. For new parents, there are a few baby essentials that are going to be absolutely critical to providing proper care for your bundle of joy.

Getting Ready for Baby: Checklist

Before bringing the newborn home from the hospital, it's very important to make sure that you have weather appropriate clothing for your little one. This is especially true when the baby will be leaving the house for whatever reason. If it's winter, make sure to have warmer clothing, such as a winter jacket, hats, and heavier material onesies, compared to cooler clothing for the summer, such as light cotton onesies. It's not only necessary but mandatory that all children either be in a car seat or booster seat depending on their age. Children have to remain in booster seats, as reported by until they are 4 feet, 9 inches in height and are also between the ages of 8 and 12. Children also have to properly fit an adult seat belt before they are even allowed to ride without a booster seat.

what do you need when baby comes home

Also, never leave a snoozing baby unattended on a couch or bed as the risk of rolling or falling is always present, even if your baby can't roll on their own yet. Some newborns need to be burped frequently, while others burp on their own and need very little assistance from you. If your baby is fussy or seems uncomfortable during or after a feeding, that's a cue to burp them. You've probably heard that all a newborn baby does is eat, poop, cry, and sleep.

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